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Why Won’t My Car Unlock With Remote Or Key?

If your car doors are locked but your key fob won’t unlock them, there could be several possible explanations: the battery may have died or it needs reprogramming; they could all require new programs being added onto it.

For most situations, simply changing the battery should do the trick; however, be sure to inspect your fob for broken buttons or signs of damage as part of this step.

Check For A Dead Car Key Battery

An unhealthy battery may show normal voltage readings on a voltmeter but will no longer function under load, necessitating its replacement as soon as possible to alleviate its symptoms. However, this issue could also be caused by other factors like broken buttons and loose battery terminal contacts; all things most automotive locksmiths can fix for you.

If changing or fixing battery contacts doesn’t do the trick, try holding the key fob closer to the door handle than usual and hold it against its receiver to see if that allows a weak fob battery to authenticate its signal from your car’s receiver and unlock your door. This trick can come in handy if you don’t have another spare key fob handy or just aren’t feeling up for visiting an auto repair shop or dealership for service.

Inspect The Remote

If a replacement battery doesn’t fix the issue, it may be worth inspecting the remote itself. Most car key remotes use category 4 button cell batteries that are relatively cheap; you can easily check their voltage with a multimeter or simply replace an old battery with a fresh one.

As part of an initial check of your remote, it’s also worth doing a visual inspection to determine whether any battery terminal contacts or buttons have come loose over time, soldering them back in place should restore full functionality to the remote.

If all else fails, try using a backup remote to see if that works – this will allow you to establish whether the problem lies with either your main remote or its central locking system.

Ensure The Key Fob Is Properly Synced With Car

If your key fob doesn’t unlock your car when pushed, but other components seem to, the problem could lie with the vehicle itself. Sometimes a dead battery prevents your key fob from working correctly; in these instances it would likely be beneficial for Schindler’s Garage technician to inspect both batteries.

Assuming your battery is just fine, replacing it may be all it takes. Since most key fobs use standard coin cell batteries, replacing one should restore sync between key fob and car again – and you should be able to lock your door securely again! However, if replacing batteries doesn’t do the trick then consider purchasing a replacement key fob altogether.

Investigate A Possible Faulty Central Locking System

Central locking system malfunctions may be due to any number of causes, including worn actuators, broken wires and electrical issues. If the problem lies within the servomotor itself, you should likely visit either your dealership or professional locksmith for further diagnosis and repair.

However, if the problem lies within actuators or something more straightforward, replacing them could be cheaper and may provide faster solutions. Given how often these parts are utilized and their wear-and-tear components can become worn down over time.

If the above troubleshooting tips fail to address the problem, make sure that either the key fob battery is charged or that it has synced properly with your vehicle. Once these issues have been addressed, you should be able to unlock doors manually with your car key.

Check For Interference From Other Wireless Devices

An electronic key fob can be an enormously convenient convenience; but when it ceases functioning properly, it can become frustrating. If changing batteries doesn’t do the trick, it may be worth investigating whether another device in your home may be interfering with its signal between it and the car’s central locking system.

Wireless baby monitors or weather stations could interfere with proper communication between its receiver and its key fob. If “Wireless Interference Detected” error messages only appear when certain devices are active, try disabling each device one by one until no error messages appear any longer – until this error message no longer appears!

Test The Car’s Manual Locking Mechanism

When trying to use your remote to open your car, but are having difficulties, it may be worthwhile testing whether using your physical key works instead. This can help identify whether the issue lies with either your remote control system, the central locking system of your car, or something else altogether.

If after taking all these troubleshooting steps and still being unable to open your car with the remote or key, professional assistance may be needed. An automotive locksmith will be able to evaluate both your key fob and car’s central locking system for issues that need solving and potentially create new keys if necessary – this approach often works out cheaper and quicker than replacing your key fob entirely.

Examine The Car’s Electrical System

When your car key fob stops working it can be both annoying and worrying, but there are ways of fixing this problem.

Before making any conclusions about what may be going wrong with the main key fob, test out your backup key to see if it functions as expected. If it does, this likely indicates a problem with it.

Most car keys use lithium coin batteries that last a long time before eventually failing. Replacing it usually fixes this problem; however, transmitter/receiver issues could also require professional services; so if this is your situation be sure to contact one of our car key specialists as soon as possible.


If your car won’t unlock with the remote or key, there are several potential causes that can be easily addressed. By following these troubleshooting tips, you can restore your car’s accessibility and avoid the frustration of being locked out.

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