As with any battery-operated device, car key fobs require regular upkeep in order to remain functional – this includes replacing their battery as necessary.
Changing a car key battery is simple and fast – this article will show you how to do it yourself without going through an expensive dealership service center.
Identify The Type Of Car Key You Have
Car key fobs send a signal that controls key remote functions or allows you to remotely start your vehicle (one of many hidden features some cars offer). They rely on batteries, so once they die you won’t be able to utilize these useful functions.
Visit a dealership, car repair shop or battery store to have them replace it for you – however this might not be the most economical or efficient solution.
Change key fob batteries yourself is usually possible and is far simpler than you may imagine; all it requires is a small flat screwdriver or coin and new batteries to get started. First identify which type of key fob you own before purchasing the appropriate size battery; often this information will be stamped onto its plastic case.
Purchase The Correct Replacement Battery
Key fob batteries typically cost $20-50 at dealerships and repair shops; by following these steps you can change it yourself for less money at home.
Employing a small tool (usually a coin or flathead screwdriver), locate a slot or notch along the seam that divides both halves of the key fob case and push your tool into it carefully before prying apart the fob.
Carefully unplug the old battery from its compartment, taking note of which way its polarity should face when installing its replacement battery. Insert and align positive and negative ends so they line up. Finally, reunite key fob halves by snapping together.
Frustration can quickly set in when car key fobs cease working, and knowing how to change their batteries could prove invaluable in saving both time and money. Learning this invaluable skill may even save your life!
Locate The Battery Compartment In Key Fob
Many car key fobs contain a compartment for the battery. To access it, look for an access slot or notch that accepts small tools like a flat-bladed screwdriver or butter knife and gently pop open your fob using that tool to remove old batteries from their compartment and note any orientation differences (plus or minus sides).
After inserting the new battery with correct polarity, reassemble and test your fob to see if it still functions as intended. If so, your dead battery issue has been solved; otherwise it could be due to electrical or water damage which requires professional help. Be sure to contact your local auto repair shop as they offer quick and cost-effective repair solutions as well as help finding suitable batteries for specific models/makes of key fobs.
Remove Old Battery Safely
If your key fob starts showing signs of lifeless operation, such as reduced range when unlocking or locking the car, then it may be time for battery replacement. Luckily, this process can easily be performed at home to save money and avoid trips to dealerships.
Before beginning work on your vehicle, first ensure it is parked on an even surface with its engine off and handbrake engaged – this will prevent it from rolling away during your efforts. Wear insulated work gloves and safety goggles as protection from its corrosive electrolyte solution inside its battery.
Use pliers to open up the battery terminal clamps and carefully lift out your old battery from its tray, taking care not to spill acid. Insert your new one with correct polarity into its case before snapping back together – make sure it fits securely and do a test press to confirm everything works as it should!
Insert New Battery With Correct Polarity
Replacing the battery in your key fob can be an easy and quick way to ensure its continued functionality. Just make sure that when purchasing a replacement battery that it matches up in size with its old counterpart. Also note which way its plus/minus symbols face; improper installation can damage or shorten its life significantly. Once inserted, take care to snap back together its case carefully after replacing its new power source.
Once complete, carefully test your key fob to ensure the battery is operating at full capacity. Press any of its buttons and see if any response occurs; also consider testing battery polarity to make sure it has not become reversed as reverse polarization can damage any connected devices instantly and permanently, including blowing out modules in vehicle electrical systems.
Snap Key Fob Case Back Together Securely
Most newer cars use key fobs with buttons for locking and unlocking, as well as controlling features like the moonroof or power windows. These remote car keys rely on small batteries for operation and may need periodic replacements. Replacing your car key fob battery is an easy, cost- and time-effective solution that can save both. Simply follow these steps, selecting an affordable coin-style battery from a reliable retailer.
After you’ve taken out the old battery, insert a new one with correct polarity into its case and close it securely. You may require some extra force depending on how tight your case is; but once finished it should snap back into place easily. Now test your key fob by pressing any of its buttons – if it still doesn’t work as expected consider visiting an automotive locksmith for further assistance.
Changing the battery in your car key fob is a straightforward and cost-effective process that you can easily do at home. Just be sure to handle the process carefully, and if the issue persists after replacing the battery, consult a professional for further assistance.